May 30, 2005

MSN Encarta - Dictionary - bourgeois
Boor.zh.waa : A word we hated to hear during college; and something we never understood during school. According to the SFI, its the stamp for anybody who has a wider thinking and have a positive outlook.

May 16, 2005

A historical event unfolded in front of our eyes, but we never had the senses to look beyond what we see. My mind bites and iches on this incident. More links to follow this soon (hopefully my interest on this subject wont die before that :)).

The Rediff On The NeT Special: Prem Panicker reflects on the ISRO 'spy scandal'
The Rediff On The NeT Special: Prem Panicker's "Spies in the Sky"
The Rediff On The NeT Special: Prem Panicker's "A question of morale"

The Emperor grabs the spotlight in �Sith� - Star Wars -

May 13, 2005

Interesting article about how a mail envelope gets marked for reaching a destination.